About AMS

Association Powers and Decision Making

Association Structure and Funds

Common Interest Developments (aka Homeowner Associations)

Director Election and Term

Enforcement and Disputes

Insurance and Liability

Maintenance, Alteration, and Defects

Meetings and Decisions

Meetings and Decisions

The governing documents generally specify the minimum number of directors (the “quorum”) that must be present for decisions to be made at a board meeting. When the governing documents do not specify a director quorum, a majority of directors shall be required for a quorum. A majority vote of the directors attending a meeting can make decisions unless the governing documents impose a higher voting requirement.

The governing documents specify the minimum amount owners present for a quorum. This is also known as the owner voting power. This minimum amount must be present for decisions to be made at an owner meeting. In Oregon, the law sets 20% as the minimum quorum, and in Washington, the minimum quorum is 25% for condominiums. There is no minimum quorum requirement in Washington for planned unit developments.

Mortgages and Liens

Officers, Managers, and Committees

Owner Assessments

Ownership and Possession

Use of Common Area

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